The months went on and I kept getting bigger with the baby. Because I was getting bigger it hurt my incision. I will always remember how I could not have the girls set on my lap because the incision hurt when they did. I still wonder if the girls held that against me.
KAGH had long pretty blond hair and it was just curly enough, but because I could not comb it we had to cut it short. I know she remembers that because every once in awhile she will bring it up.
My WH took the girls to Sunday school and church every Sunday. I was at home one day and WH had gone to work and I got sick thinking it was the flu. I still think it was the flu, but I could hardly move. I told the girls to watch cartoons on TV and to stay in the living room and I lay on the couch. I tried to stay awake but could not. WH came home and back to the hospital I went, he was not taking any chances. Finally March came and I went home until the baby would come.
Then I got another lump in my neck and I didn't want to tell the doctor because I knew what was going to happen. WH told the doctor and he said it had to come out right away. So on Friday April 4, I had it removed and it was Hodgkins also.
Went home because Easter that year was Sunday April 6, 1969. That night I was sleeping and my water broke. We had already had it set up for the neighbor to some over when we called her. WH was rushing around the house trying to remember everything then he got me in the car and to the hospital I went again.
We got up in the front of the hospital and WH jumped out to come help me out? No he ran into the hospital. Here I am thinking, “What is he doing? He forgot what we were here for? He forgot me?” He came back out, pushing a wheel chair. That’s what he went after. I just wished he would have told me when he jumped out of the car. Now I can laugh about this. But it sure wasn't funny at the time.
Also, I had black suede shoes on and when my water broke it went into my shoes. When my feet went up in the stirrups I saw my feet. Oh my goodness, my feet were black! I kept asking some one to wash them for me. I was so embarrassed. But no one cared about my feet. This, too, is now funny. They were too busy taking care of me and the baby. After about 3 hours and I had dilated more, I still was not having any pains.
I was put in a labor room and they checked me, but I wasn't having any pains. My WH was by my side the whole time. By now we were not praying for a boy just a healthy baby. The doctors had told us that chances are some thing would be wrong with the baby. It could be deformed or a Downs baby. So we prayed about that too. I think I was on every prayer list in the USA. I had people and churches praying for me in OH, TX CA, WA, NY, FL, MI, and AK.
I was taken into the delivery room and was having pains by then, both my girl were born natural no shots nothing. They gave me a local for this baby but I could not push. My muscles were not strong enough. So the nurse had to push on the top of my stomach to help me push the baby out. At 9:00 am the baby was born it was a boy. I got to see him for a second. He was all gray like he had been dropped into a bucket of ashes.
To be continued
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